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Indian Cuisine

Indian Cuisine

History of Indian Cuisine

The wide variety of ingredients and spices makes Indian cuisine one of the most popular recipes in the World. Interest in Indian cuisine is due, first of all, to the fact that for the Indian people, food has always been something that has spiritual support. Moreover, it should be said that there is a certain set of rules called Ayurveda. These rules indicate a completely modern etiquette for eating. For example, you need to eat in a calm environment, eat at the same time, take into account the compatibility of foods, etc. Delving further into a more detailed study, you should immediately turn again to Ayurveda, in which dishes were compared with options for a person’s emotional state - goodness, passion and ignorance. Ignorance includes dishes oversaturated with spices, passion - extremely spicy, goodness - in which everything is balanced. Indian cuisine has a rich history and tradition. Recipes for Indian dishes have a religious or spiritual basis, which forms certain foundations and rules of Indian cuisine.

Indian Cuisine and Cuisines of Other Countries of the World

When talking about Indian cuisine, one should not underestimate the foreign influence on Indian recipes. For example, hot peppers were brought from Portugal and have taken root well in Indian cuisine. India adopted soufflé and baguette from French cuisine. It is worth mentioning that at one time India was a colony of England, and it also inherited many culinary traditions, and maybe more of all of those listed - here we will talk about puddings, sandwiches with anchovies, jelly from sheep's heads and other things. In more ancient times, India was ruled by steppe nomadic peoples from Central Asia, and this also significantly affected Indian cuisine. It was from that moment that the Indians adopted the tandoor into their culinary arsenal - a special oven for cooking meat and bread. And today in India they prepare pilaf from rice, which is quite fatty in its properties, and bread stuffed with almonds, cream and dried fruits.

Indian Food Recipes

The basis of Indian recipes today is rice, many types of fish, a sufficient number of types of vegetables, flour products and dairy products. What sets Indian cuisine apart from others is the amount of spices. According to the above-mentioned Ayurveda, a dish should simultaneously combine three taste qualities - bitterness, acidity and sweetness. The most popular seasonings in Indian cooking include cumin, cardamom and coriander. The main seasoning of Indian cuisine is curry. Indian cooks often resort to roasting spices, which greatly enhances their flavor and aroma. Despite the special place of spices in Indian recipes, it is still considered wrong when food is too spicy or has an uncharacteristic aroma.

Variety of Indian Cuisine

After all of the above, it will be somewhat surprising that there is no single Indian cuisine as such. This is due to the fact that different parts of the country have different climates and different religious traditions. For example, in the north of India it is acceptable to eat meat and fish, while in the south many people are vegetarians. Parts of India that are closer to the seas and bays are fully self-sufficient in fish, both river and sea. Fish is prepared by frying in coconut or vegetable oil.